Perspective Events

University Honors Event Requirements

There are two categories of event requirements: Perspective events and Meet the Professional events. 

Click here to view the University Honors Events Calendar

Perspective Events

One goal of University Honors is to broaden your worldview and to increase your understanding of perspectives that you may currently reject or do not yet fully comprehend. To that end, University Honors students are required to attend at least three Perspective Events each year. Perspective Events are UMD or community events that push you out of your comfort zone.

Perspective events address points of view with which you were previously not familiar, information that counters your prevailing view on a topic, or provide a learning experience that otherwise pushes you out your comfort zone. You should use these event requirements as opportunities to broaden your world view, to experience cultures, perspectives, or groups with which/whom you have little contact. Examples of perspective events include Alworth lectures, Pizza with the Prof, cultural events, and campus-wide special guest lectures. Check the University Honors calendar for upcoming perspective events. 

After attending a perspective event you must write a one-page (400 words) reflection paper and email it to the UH program coordinator. The three reflection papers should explain the following:

  1. How the event pushed you out of your comfort zone
  2. What you learned from the event
  3. How it contributed to your growth as a person or a student

Perspective Event Reflection Papers are due before the final day of regularly scheduled classes in the Spring term. Be sure to include your name and the title and date of the prospective event on the paper.

Perspectives Speakers Series

One goal of University Honors is to connect you to professors and professionals in the community. The Perspectives Speakers Series allows students to listen to a  UMD faculty member or a prominent community member offer academic and life wisdom.

Discover how University Honors engage with the community here.