Creative Expression Project

Creative Expression Guidelines

Creative project must:

  • Contribute to your understanding of how ideas and concepts can be communicated through various forms of creative expression. The project may be of your own design, or it may be a faculty/mentor-initiated project in which you have substantial responsibility for carrying out the project and its resulting work, commensurate with your experience and level of expertise; and
  • Be supervised by a University of Minnesota faculty mentor holding any type of appointment (including clinical, emeritus, adjunct, research associate, assistant or associate professor, etc.), or by a mentor from an approved arts organization
  • Represent a time commitment of minimum 45 hours (equivalent to the hours in a 3-credit class)
  • Be designed to include a final performance or creation
  • Not be a part of regular requirements for a course or seminar; and

Creative project can:

  • Be paid or unpaid
  • Be for-credit or not
  • Be completed under the auspices of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)