University Honors Living Learning Community

University Honors Learning/Living Community

Live and learn in the University Honors Living Learning Community (UHLLC) located in Ianni Hall! Our living-learning space is designed to provide honors students a supportive (and fun!) academic environment in which you can make strong connections with other similarly motivated, focused students. The University Honors living-learning community is optional for UH students.

"Living on the UH floor was probably one of the best decisions I made for my first year year. As a former RA, I hear of floors where no one interacts or knows one another–that's just not the case with University Honors students. Living on the UH floor amongst people with similar interests and goals cultivates a community made whole through diversity and lifelong friendships."   Tyler Mosby, UH Class of 2021

"Living on the UH floor was the best decision I ever made, they made me feel at home in a new environment. We were there for the good like doing puzzles, watching movies, game nights, and even having a pool noodle war...They were also there for the bad like test anxiety, seasonal depression, homesickness, and questioning our major choices. My fondest memories of UMD took place in that second floor lounge and the people I met will forever hold a special place in my heart."   Heidi Wedel [She, Her, Hers], UH Class of 2021