University Honors Research Support Peer-Mentors

University Honors Research Support Peer-Mentors provide guidance and support to students working on undergraduate research projects including UH Capstone, UROP, URSA, and more. Peer-Mentors are available through drop-in sessions in the UH Commons on the first floor of the Kathryn A. Martin Library. 

If you can’t find a time that works for you, fill out this form and a UH Peer-Mentor will contact you via email to set up an appointment. 

Meet our Peer-Mentors:

Bea Carter: Hi! My name is Bea and I am a first year UH peer mentor. I am here for research help, or if you just need to talk out an issue with someone. 

Nicole Nelson: My name is Nicole and I’m a senior at UMD who is currently involved in research in Dr. Savage's phenology lab. My research interests are how climatic niches relate to plant traits and physiology

You might meet with a Peer-Mentor to: 

  • Figure out how to get started with your research
  • Find a faculty member to work with on an undergraduate research project
  • Prepare a UROP or Capstone research proposal
  • Get general information about the honors program
  • Learn more about library research materials


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